A new Episode of the Tyrant In Training podcast. Hosted by Kevin Ryan.
Todays guest is Amanda Graham, Screenwriter & Script Editor | Public Speaker | Content Writer | BAFTA Connect Member | Knowledge Curator | Ed TV Festival's Ones to Watch | Disability Advocate
Also known as Queen Amanda Panda Potts, Protector of Artists and Keanu Reeves
Queen Amanda Panda Potts oversees the free ice-cream of all of the flavours island of Bastardia. Happy Bastards of Bastardia. Queen Amanda Panda Potts also protects Keanu Reeves while holding secret feelings for a DVD of Solo: A Star Wars Story. And spoiler alert, Fraggle Rock may find a new home on the island.Don’t forget you can subscribe to the tyrant in training podcast everywhere you find podcasts. You can follow the podcast on social media at @tyrantpodcast on Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.
Also the Tyrant In Training Podcast has its own website at https://tyrant-in-training.podcastpage.io/
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